“We can not all succeed when half of us are held back” – Malala Yousafzai

I was wandering around international news when I spotted this article about girls and education.

Malala Yousafzai gave an amazing speech at UN about universal education. She asked the UN “to fund new teachers, schools, books and recommit to getting every girl and boy in school by December 2015”. She focused her attention mostly on the gender gap related to the access to education. You can learn more about Malala and help her in her quest for universal education in here.

Despite being one of the Millennium Developmental Goals, universal primary education is far from being a reality, especially when it comes to girls (lack of gender equality – another thing the MDGs address…). At the same time that we have kids throwing a tantrum because they don’t want to go to school, we have kids that walk kilometers just to go to class. A lot of children don’t have access to school at all, especially if they are girls.

According to the UN, 123 million youth (aged 15 to 24) didn’t get primary education. 61% of them are women. This happens because women are not viewed as equals, have to stay at home, have to get married at an early age or simply don’t have means to go to school. We all know that the increase on the education level leads to a more developed country. It doesn’t seem to convince the people that are holding girls back. When it is not a matter of people, it is a matter of money. There is still a lot of financial aid to be raised so we can tackle all the obstacles that are stopping girls from going to school.

So how can we help? You can start by consulting the list of organizations that address the issue of girls’ education here.

So, help. A least by speaking of the issue. And please don’t forget that education is a right that belongs to everyone, regardless of gender.


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35 responses to ““We can not all succeed when half of us are held back” – Malala Yousafzai

  1. Pingback: “We can not all succeed when half of us are held back” – Malala Yousafzai | Internationally Unrelated | Cranky Old Crow

  2. napperscompanion

    Hi, Tania. Nice blog you’ve got going here. Most worthy. Thanks for stopping by mine. Peace, John

  3. My wife says that her parents saw no need for advanced education for her, since her destiny was only to marry and raise kids. That was a common U.S. view not long ago. That changed …

    But we replaced that with public schools for all that are programmed to turn out not educated but rather, mentally and behaviorally conditioned citizens. leaving real education to the private schools that wish to sell that.

    Are we right now to complain about the societies that restrict female education when we de facto, restrict nearly everyvody, just in a different way? Dunno — too complicated for my little mind.

    • I think it is a different type of restriction.
      I don’t know the US system, but indeed in Europe not so long ago women were not allowed to have at least the same education as men. That changed, so I hope this will also change. I hope women will be free someday to make their own choices.

    • Hyde

      Yes of course public education has done great for the masses. Yup

    • That sounds very dumb indeed because 5-6 years before being shot by the Talibans, Malala was a local child activist heroine blogging at BBC Urdu and also surviving the ehm, USA’s favorite forced “war on terror” that Pakistan military is engaged in SWAT.
      Her parents, in particular her father was not only aware of his daughter’s aspirations, educational rights but he supported whatever he could to help her regain her schooling that was bombed during the lovely offensive with Taliban. Was it not sicking to see the same white men in suits gushing at Malala at UN, while they have been the ones to support wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya etc etc.
      Trust the AMERICAN/WESTERN WORLD to distort the narratives to suit their own agendas of making wars with countries.
      SAVING MUSLIM WOMEN SYNDROME is full and kicking with most comments here at this post. People need to get over themselves, and see the truth.

  4. “Malala” just shows why the Male-denominated society in Pakistan, as well as many other countries, wants to keep Women uneducated, at home and hidden. At the same time, the Islamic Fundamentalists hide behind the false representation that “it is written”. But, as Malala points-out, it is not in the Koran. Those are only views held by the people who wish to dumb-down the general populace==so they can control thought and social activity. Perhaps they have dread George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”.

  5. Malala’s book: “I am Malala” was tremendous. The economies of many countries are certainly held back, since they expect half of the people to support the other half.

    More importantly, it is what the lack of education of Girls and Women can do for these people–and for future generations of Females. Malala’s mother was illiterate, while Malala is extremely intelligent–beyond her years–and her Father is the headmaster. Think of small talk around the dinner table. HMMM.

    Also, if Women are illiterate and cannot vote, how do they register their wishes to improve their status? And, how do they support themselves if their Husband dies.

    The Nobel Committee certainly fell to political influences when they failed to award it to Malala. What she has done–including the book and speech at the U.N.–has truly helped Women everywhere.

  6. What part of the book is written by Malala herself, this is the very question? White feminism yet again at work here, white men saved her from her country monster Pakistan and white correspondent writes her story.
    Its no secret that Ms. Lamb hates the south asian region and considering she spent a long there here, the book is full of her preconceived notions and drips abhorrence for Pakistan at every second page.
    Wonder if I had cowritten I am Malala, how many of western audiences were ready and interested in reading, buying it.

  7. Yes, she gave hope even before the whole shooting and western hysteria, now thanks to western interventions, people view her as anti-Pakistani as being played into the hands of west. You should read my stories on Malala Yousafzai, are still up at The Human Lens 😉

  8. I realize that this “Comment”, if I may call it that, will be blocked; but, I wanted to bring the topic of Grammar School Girls excelling at Science to your attention. CHEEKOS.

  9. I relate with her statement that no one should be deprived of the opportunity to become somebody in life. she had to speak to our government on their insensitivity on the abducted Chibok girls by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Thank you for the visit.

  10. Here is a link to an Op-Ed piece, written by a Pakistani-American freelance writer in South Florida, about the role of Malala’s Father in her drive and success in calling for the Education and Rights of Women and Girls in Society. If you dread “I am Malala”, you will know that he was her inspiration, as much as she is ours. The Nobel Peace Prize Committee finally got it right this year.


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